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středa 13. dubna 2011

Seznam Namespace Eng

Sice v Eng, ale myslim ze to je jasne :)

Osp /This namespace is the root namespace of bada
Osp::App /This namespace contains classes for application development
Osp::Base /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for basic features
Osp::Base::Collection /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for various collections
Osp::Base::Runtime /This namespace contains classes for running applications
Osp::Base::Utility /This namespace contains classes for various utilities
Osp::Commerce::Store /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for commerce-related services
Osp::Content /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for content management and search services
Osp::Device /This namespace contains the classes and interfaces for data synchronization and device management
Osp::Graphics /This namespace contains classes for drawing-related functionalities
Osp::Graphics::Opengl /This namespace contains interfaces for OpenGL(R)
Osp::Io /This namespace contains the classes and interfaces for basic I/O
Osp::Locales /This namespace contains classes that define culture-related information
Osp::Locations /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for location-related information and services
Osp::Locations::Controls /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for map-based services
Osp::Locations::Services /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for location-based services
Osp::Media /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for media processing services
Osp::Messaging /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for messaging services
Osp::Net /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for network account, connection and addressing utilities
Osp::Net::Bluetooth /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for Bluetooth services
Osp::Net::Http /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for HTTP 1.1 client programming
Osp::Net::Sockets /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for TCP or UDP socket programming
Osp::Net::Wifi /This namespace contains classes and interface for Wi-Fi management
Osp::Security/This namespace contains classes and interfaces for security services
Osp::Security::Cert /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for manipulating the X.509 digital certificate
Osp::Security::Crypto /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for cryptographic primitives
Osp::Social /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for managing the social information of the user
Osp::Social::Services /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for social-related services
Osp::System /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for System
Osp::Telephony /This namespace contains classes and interfaces of the Telephony service
Osp::Text /This namespace contains classes for representing character encoding and decoding
Osp::Ui /This namespace contains classes and interfaces that act as the UI foundation for your applications
Osp::Ui::Controls /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for creating rich user interface components for your applications
Osp::Uix /This namespace contains classes and interfaces for UI extension services
Osp::Web /This namespace contains classes and interfaces to interact with the browser engine
Osp::Web::Controls /This namespace contains classes and interfaces to interact with the browser engine
Osp::Xml /This namespace contains interfaces to manipulate XML documents

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